- Introduction
- Download & Start
- First Steps with the Editor
- Page Control and Constructor
- Window Handler
- Constructor Part 2
- Edit section
- Control Objects
- Decoration Objects
- Appearance
- Z Order
- Physics, Friction, & Fast Render
- Saving a Template
- Hotkeys
- Import Older Templates
- Templates
- Activate the software
- System requirements
- Submit your feature request
- Present and future of Chameleon
- Changelog
18.Activate the software
In order to activate the software, after completing your free registration, just open the License Manager, enter your user and password. Remember you have created your user and password when you completed you order.
Not remember what is your user and pass? Do not worry, you can recover it at any time, Click here to recover your user and password. Internet connection is required in order to activate the software.