- Introduction
- Download & Start
- First Steps with the Editor
- Page Control and Constructor
- Window Handler
- Constructor Part 2
- Edit section
- Control Objects
- Decoration Objects
- Appearance
- Z Order
- Physics, Friction, & Fast Render
- Saving a Template
- Hotkeys
- Import Older Templates
- Templates
- Activate the software
- System requirements
- Submit your feature request
- Present and future of Chameleon
- Changelog
The Escape (Esc) keyboard key.
When Esc keyboard key is pressed, the software show the editor if the editor is closed, and leave ready the system in Edition mode.
Control + C
Copy an object .
Control + V
Paste an object.
Control + Z
This is the undo action. Press the Z button on your keyboard while holding down the
CONTROL button. Operation might not always be available.
Control + Y
To re do a previously undone action, press the Y button on your keyboard while holding the CONTROL button. Operation might not always be available.
Control + D
To delete objects, press the D button while holding the CONTROL button. Alternatively, press the Delete key on your keyboard. Operation might not always be available.
Left, Right, Up & Down Arrow Keys
Use the Arrow keys on your keyboard to move objects with better precision. Movement is available in any direction indicated by the arrow key pressed.
Control + Mouse LeftClick
To select multiple objects, press and hold Control on your keyboard and mouse leftclick objetcs your template .
You can also drag with the left mouse button to select multiple objects.
LeftShift + S
Maintains aspect ration when resize objects.
LeftCtrl + R
Enable rotation handle.
LeftCtrl + L
Lock objects to prevent accidentally movements.
LeftCtrl + U
Unlock objects and or disable rotation handle.
LeftCtrl + M
Enable/disable move only (handles for move only).
LeftCtrl + T
Enable touch mode (perform).
LeftCtrl + B
Change font to BOLD on objects support labeling.
LeftCtrl + N
Change font to NORMAL on objects support labeling.
LeftCtrl + P
Open/close color palette.
LeftCtrl + G
Enable/disable grid.
LeftCtrl + H
Enable/disable align ruler.