- Introduction
- Download & Start
- First Steps with the Editor
- Page Control and Constructor
- Window Handler
- Constructor Part 2
- Edit section
- Control Objects
- Decoration Objects
- Appearance
- Z Order
- Physics, Friction, & Fast Render
- Saving a Template
- Hotkeys
- Import Older Templates
- Templates
- Activate the software
- System requirements
- Submit your feature request
- Present and future of Chameleon
- Changelog
8.5.XY Pads
Halo Pad
Is a classic X Y pad.
Tracking Pad
The Tracking Pad never was completed and be available in some moment of November 2018 trough a new Chameleon update. This pad allow to track any green light trough your webcam and convert the movements to MIDI. Documentation also will be updated in November 2018.